Watch Jennifer's trauma success story with NeurOptimal®.
The human brain is amazingly efficient. It likes to keep the conscious mind free to deal with incoming information and experiences.
So what happens when we experience something traumatic? It files that experience away in the subconscious to protect us from it's ill effects. But that subconscious memory is still impacting our present.
For example, let's say you were attacked by a dog as a 5-year old child. Your brain may relegate that experience to a "file" in the subconscious so that you don't relive it day-to-day, but it also creates a neural pathway to fear.
The message is "Dogs are not to be trusted, they are to be feared" and this may explain a life-long fear of dogs. Perhaps when you see a dog, you begin to sweat, your heart rate increases, you feel the panic rising, your jaw clenches. You can tell yourself until you're blue in the face that the dog is not going to hurt you, it's friendly, look at that harmless face. But that neural pathway is strong.
Trauma is the residue that a past event leaves in your body's own sensory experiences. NeurOptimal® helps your brain to decipher what is an actual threat and what is "old information".